2014 Annual General Meeting
2nd December 2014
The chairman opened by welcoming the members to the A.G.M. and thanked them for all the food they had provided.
- Apologies for absence
Sarah Dossett, Pauline Woods, Pam Moffatt, Ron Clanfield, John and Julia Hussey, Margaret and Reo Admans, Wendy Williams, Marian and Roy Edwards, Alison Brabbin, Gina Christie, Derek Brown, Len Cohen, Anne Marshall, Ray and Barbara Waters, Patsy Dudley, Beth Cockshott, Maureen Poulter, Wendy Townsend, Duncan and Jean Cooper.
- Minutes of the 2013 AGM
The minutes had been distributed prior to the start of the meeting. These were accepted as a true record. Their adoption was proposed by Ron Roberts and seconded by Janet Eaton. All members were in favour.
- Matters arising
- Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that it had been an excellent year. Notable talks had been given by Sally Botwright on Southwark and Liz Wooley on Children’s Experiences of the Second World War in Oxfordshire. Four outings had been arranged, to Strawberry Hill, Southwark, the Bluebell Line, and the Merchants House, Marlborough and Avebury Manor.
Maurice thanked Rosalie for arranging all the visits.
Thanks were also expressed to Colin Sear for arranging the programme and to Colin & Richard Jewson for setting up the sound equipment, to Addy Patterson for storing the equipment, to Pat and John Wills and Sandra and Ron Rumens for putting out the chairs for meetings, and to Tina Burford, Gerry Webb, Debbie Moss and Anne Kirtland for providing the table decorations for the AGM. Thanks also to Gerry Webb, June Shewry, and Debbie Moss for providing a floral display for the St Mary’s Flower Festival. Thanks were expressed to all the members and the Committee for their support during the year.
Information plaques are now in place on notable tombs in Thame Church and are well worth viewing. The website is now fully functional thanks to Jonathan Earley, Paul Earley and Colin Sear.
Finally, Maurice stated that he has served for over 20 years as Chairman and felt that this would be his final year. He wished all members a Happy Christmas and New Year.
- Treasurer’s Report
A Report of the Finances of the Society had been prepared and was circulated to the meeting. Rosalie Gibson described the income and expenditure for the past year and was thanked for keeping the accounts in order and for preparing the financial report.
Proposer was Jim Tite, Seconder, Gerry Webb.
All members were in agreement.
- Election of Officers
Colin took over the meeting at this stage and thanked Maurice for all his work over the last year as Chairman. He proposed the re-election of Maurice as chairman, and the existing committee was re-elected en bloc. Proposed by Ken Mears and seconded by Derek Turner.
Chairman – Maurice Kirtland
Vice Chairman & Programme Secretary – Colin Sear
Membership Secretary and Treasurer – Rosalie Gibson
Minutes Secretary – Sandra Rumens
Other committee members – Pat Wills and Chris Bowler
Richard Jewson also joined the committee in place of Ken Bailey who had died in June. Proposed by Marian Wierszycki and seconded by Julie West.
- Election of two members to Thame Museum Trust
Maurice Kirtland and Julia Bailey were both willing to stand again and were re-elected. Proposed by Ron Roberts and seconded by Barry Gibson
- Subscription
The subscription will remain the same for 2015 at £10.00 per member, and £2.00 per visitor. Proposed by Julia Bailey seconded Hazel Bleay
- Programme for 2015
The programme for 2015 was read out by Colin Sear.
- Any other business
There was no other business.
The meeting was entertained by Ken Fitt with an illustrated talk on “The growth of Popular Music in the earlier part of the 20th century.”